About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Friday, December 18, 2009


ok wElL bLOgGiN HaS bEiN a A GooD ExPerIeNce In thE lIbRaRy It HeLpS mii GeT tO knOw THe PpL dAt WOr WiTh BeTtEr :p nD IT HElpS knOw HW DeY r Nd SO fAr EvERy1 iS sUPeR aWEsOMe HerE. i EnJoY bLOGgIn ItZ Hw We eXpReCe oUrsELfS. i AlSo LiK 2 rEad ODErs OpInIoNs So OfCoUrES i LOvE 2 ReAD dER blOGgas.

If i No LOnGer HAD DiZ kLaSs I wOuLd KeEp dIz BLoG 2 WRiTE waT hAppENEd AT sKul nD STuFf ..I wOulD lIkE 2 kEep oN blOgGIN....///!!///


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


well dis is me "EdGaO" sitting next to her "JESsICa" were in the library...... she said "thastt nice" and JAMes is geetiing mad at me...... ouch....he hit me..... lol.... umm well idk wat to tell u ppl...i rule.... and umm cheescake rules!!!..... bannanan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 she doesnt like green..... im tall......and brown....and mexican...... msMurphy is all dresseed up ...:D (jessica) edgar nd this kid ik name frankly r talkin about money nd killin shoes..nd size number 2:b.... okay i have the key board again"edgar" and well i just want to say.......SPARTA!!!!!!!!! "jessica is weird"...... bvisit the WEIRDO blog
(jessica) dont visit his page..itz funny but..dont do it!!! okay i know itz wierd but a tie is as tall as a kid....nd 05okay buttt . wat wat in the butt???

well "edgar " i have to leave and id dont want to leave this weirdo alone..... XD but idk
i will return!!!!!!!SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

new moon d movie

ok so i was excited wen i got 2 c new moon..nd i was even more excited wen i got 2 c it d actual day it camo out in theater ...

it was better den twilight dats 4 sure....nd i hav 2 admit Jacob loked better..

but Edward is still better den Jacob...lol..

Bella was a lil bit sukish..but she still mad d movie better..

wel..dis movie has a B+ i guess..bur i just kant wait till d next movie comes out Eclips:D

i hope u guys enjoed new moon as much as i did..

the lost queen by frewin jones

wel this week im reading a book called THE LOST QUEEN nd itz very intrestin...

but 2 understand it u first hav 2 read the book FAERIE PATH ...

it talks about diz normal gurl who lives her parents but on her 16th birthday strenge things happen..

--->>faerie tread the faerie oath . one daughter walks between the sundered worlds. danger haunts her footsteps there in mortal realm a darkness is unfuled. seek a mother longtime lost. forge dark jewels that bring forth light a crystal sword shall show the way and love shall conquer evils blight .<---

mii friends r askin mii if i really read this books ..bcuz im not d kind of gurl who belives in faeries ..but diz r really good books:D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

american history

if a teacher asked me wat were reallly good dvd's about american history

the first thing i would do is go 2 da librarys catalog nd go 2 AMERICAN HISTORY nd find DVD'S that go with ity....

if dat doesnt work den i go to faculty prep room..which is where da dvds are.

i browse throw fiction movies like DISNEY dvds because u want 2 find dvds dat arnt borin..nd dat help kids understand history.

well i found 3 good movies dat hav to do w/ AMERICAN HISTORY

1. the blue & the gray

2.american legends (disney movie)

3.lewis & clark

american history

Friday, November 20, 2009

info in d library

der r many ways u can find information in the library. for example: if u want 2 find information about how nd why ancient Egyptians made mummies

1. she can go 2 liberary catalog nd type "egyptians" or "egyption's mummies"nd dat would mak results of books u can read dat would give u d answer of wat ur lukin 4 :] u would go find d books d library catalog researched 4 u in dis library....

2.u can ask for a computer so u can go to a good web for example "google" nd u will find alot of articles of dat topic nd alot of does articles will give u ur answer....

3.next she can think of everything she read in d books nd internet nd take notes...she could also check d books she thought wer intresting ..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

science project

well...in science class is very fun w/ ms.naponelli:D

last project was very intrestin ...we measurred da rocks volume by subtractin. da water w/ out da rock nd den w/ the rock..

this week we r supposed 2 mak a poster about wat we learnd nd we hav 2 fine d densitty

we hav to find an object we cant measure w/ a ruler..

my buddies nd i r supposed to fined info about our object...we r usin a pumpkin toy nd itz been preetty easy for us nd itz been okay w/ us...we just hope we get a good grade..:)

we look on google to find more info about desity nd volume..wich really helped us..we also used books in ms.class room...we really hav fun..:D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

how i get my info..

well i usually get my info from d news ...but sometimes i tink news lie...
news dont say wat d government usually do..nd dat is a big pro...
wen i really want 2 find out somting i go 2 goggle.com..or yahoo.com...wich is a good help 2 me..
somtimes i ask oder ppl lik friends but kids diz days dont watch news..lol
so i ask oder teachers or my parents but itz not d same to me..i alwayz hav to know wat exacly happned
der was diz 1 time Ms.Flores, my english teacher told us ders was ganna b a time wen wer ganna b
able 2 c mars...i was so excited..but at d end it turned out 2 b not true so i tryed 2 find out nd no 1 actually knew diz..so we never actually got 2 c marz:((
so datz my story...lol

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

finding out;D

findin out stuff i want 2 is really hard bcuz im not good at lyin ....

i hav 2 lie if i want 2 find out.. but somtimes i tink

that if i hav 2 know ill get 2 kjnow at the exact time..--->>
^_^-->> mystery????
but sometimes im 2 curious 2 keep me from not doin anyting.....

der r lotz of tings i do wen i want 2 find out someting

1. i fallow try 2 find d first klue:D(i feel lik im in d mystery gang)lolXD

2. i try 2 talk 2 oder ppl ..nd try 2 tak tings out of dem..lol

3. i ask dem strate nd if dey dont tell me..someting goes wrong..jk..lol

if notin goes rite....i really get mad :E....

everytime i do dis i feel lik scooby-doo...lol..(mystery)

Monday, October 26, 2009








Saturday, September 5, 2009

vacation suxx part 2

vacation suxx like i told u but d kul part about vacation is dat ms.flores our english teacher is takin us to venice beach wich is really awesome...well datz on d 17 or 18 this wed which will b on d 10 but we r goin to the pablic library of los angeles ..im so excited nd i know my friens r too. nd who wouldnt we r so luky to hav fild trips on vacations ...:))

vacations suxx

vacation dirent turn out 2 be d way i wanted it 2 b...ii dirent get 2 go help hooper datz d only reason y it kinda suxxz . .......well also d fact dat the 15th im in started 2 get borin nd my partner nd i suxx at dancinso preety much we both suck. i still go 2 runin fractice nd soccer but runnin turn out 2 be kul ...my friendz nd i r havin fun playin soccer itz sooooo fun :)(ms.murphy if ur readin diz can u plz coomment if we still hav to work on d blogs on vacation..plz)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

friday afternoon =)

friday afternoon is goin to be super awesome ...my friendz and i are planning to go c the final distanatio. i really want to be unforgettible for atleast 2months .....i wonder what will my other friends do and our teachers too. i wish that people have the greates 2 months ever =]!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


this vacations I'm looking forward to do stuff i havnt done. for example this time I'm goin to keep my brain very busy by doing something good ...like go help my elementary school ..i have everything planned. every day during vacations im going to wake up early go hellp hooper and then after that I'm going after school to laams to run and when im done with that i have to go to a dance rehearsal for a 15Th ...which is weird bcuz i dont like dfancing but my partner is kool :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


BOY TOY BY BARRY LYGA is the book many people talk about and i finally got to read it ...im still not done but its very intresting and i already love it...... here is the summery ; five years ago josh's life change. drasticallly. and everyone in his school, his town seems like the world thinks they understand. but they dont ..they cant. and now,about to graduate from high school, josh is still trying to sort through the pieces. first theres racheal, the girl he thought hed lost years ago. shes back ans shes determine to be part of hislife, whether he wants it or not.and then theres eve. her return brings with it all the memories of josh's past its time for josh to face the truth about what happened.....i hope that more people read this book.:)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

=0 help!!

oN WEdSDaY Ms.mUrPhY tOlD uS 2 wRiTe bUt UsInG iNtErNeT lAnGuAgE BuT i dONt KNoW AbOuT THiS aLoT. ImO iS kInDA HaRD OtOh i beEn UsInG iNtErNeT lAnGuAgE fOr a WhILe ..bTw iM dOIn ThE iNtERNeT lAnGuAgE PrAjEct Now :D...lolz. WhO eVeR iS ReAdiNg THiS iS saYiN oIc ...i dIrEnT hAv aNy OtHeR IdEA bCuZ iM sO -O tIrED . I tOLd My SiStER IT wAS To HaRd But She saId JuSt GfI nBd . i WaS :-T BcUz i dIrEnt KnoW WAt 2 Do. im AcTuAllY =0 bCuZ Im HeRE TrYiN by BesT. I REALLy WiSh THaT wHo EVeRy REaDS THiS lIKeS iT bUT NrN. BY tHe wAy i GoT My rEPOrT CaRd Nd I KInDa DiReNt LiKe My GrAdEs BuT WiSIwIg . i TiNk wAt I WrOtE sUkZ :( BuT i DoNt HaVe AnY oTHer i Dea ....Weellll Idk WaT eLse to TAlK aBoUt so umm ibg(i better go)......laterz i wanna go -I...


i JUsT fInIsHEd REaDiNg tHe BoOk cAlLeD SaNdPiPeR bY ElLeN wHiTtLInGER AnD lEt Me TElL You it WaZ grEAt!:D i LOve It . It TAlK aBoUt THiS gIrl Who hAS Bad REpUtaTioN bAcAuSe ShE weNT oUt WITh sO MaNY gUYs ........1 dAy ShE mEeTs THiS Guy Who ShE TRUstES AloT bUT SomETHinG BaD hApPenS wiTH hER liFE and AlSO hER nEW frIenD HaS a vErY aNd StRaNgE pAst. I reCoMmenD iT.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

monday after skool

monday afetr skool waz awesome , but i waz like =0 wen i memebered dat i had disaded i had 2 saty after skool for STUDENTS RUN LA. i wasnt ready 2 run , but the good tin is dat we only raned a mile after we finished we were =/ tired . we got dressed and we had 2 go home it was like 4:30 so insted of goin home i stayed to sk8 w/ georgy an nestor. i love 2 sk8 idk y but i just do . i also stayed a lil while 4 soccer but not alot of ppl stayed . wen my dad picked me up i was super tired=/

Sunday, August 9, 2009

cal-ing anthony

while writing this ,im on the phone talkin to a friend his name is anthony (he gave me permition to write about this). he is on myspace nd tellin hi to other people for me bcuz i cant reply to friend while writing this. but i just hanged up bcuz my parentz got mad cuz somebody called nd i waz talkin to anthony. he said by myspace that my parentz r strict nd i said yup but not really ....the he asked if i can still talk on the phone i said idk . den he said ohh , and den i asked if he wanted 2 read wat i wrote and he said "ches" so know im goin 2 tell hem ...lolz ....welll im guessin itz enough

Thursday, August 6, 2009


today i took a brain pop about history and it was about AMERICAN REVOLUTION ! i passed this quiz of 7 out of 10. i took this quiz because i was studing this in mr. D'lugo's class and it was really intresting how the american revolution was. i wished ill had passed w/ at least on 8 out of 10 but i really tried my best.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

our missing teacher

this week our teacher ms.Flores isn't coming, my classmates are very excited .....and our substitute teacher is very kul(cool).she doesn't make us do a lot of work because she thinks we behave very well . i think she is very nice with us ....she lets us read a lot which is very awesome. but the truth is that we all miss ms.Flores (not the work...lol)and we wish she comes back soon. :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

brain pop

this is the second brain pop i took and this time it was of fat and i scored 7 of 10

brain pop video

Today i took a brain pop vidoe about E-MAIL and IM . I scored 7 of 10 questions , i think i did not that good but i think i did okay.