About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Sunday, August 16, 2009

=0 help!!

oN WEdSDaY Ms.mUrPhY tOlD uS 2 wRiTe bUt UsInG iNtErNeT lAnGuAgE BuT i dONt KNoW AbOuT THiS aLoT. ImO iS kInDA HaRD OtOh i beEn UsInG iNtErNeT lAnGuAgE fOr a WhILe ..bTw iM dOIn ThE iNtERNeT lAnGuAgE PrAjEct Now :D...lolz. WhO eVeR iS ReAdiNg THiS iS saYiN oIc ...i dIrEnT hAv aNy OtHeR IdEA bCuZ iM sO -O tIrED . I tOLd My SiStER IT wAS To HaRd But She saId JuSt GfI nBd . i WaS :-T BcUz i dIrEnt KnoW WAt 2 Do. im AcTuAllY =0 bCuZ Im HeRE TrYiN by BesT. I REALLy WiSh THaT wHo EVeRy REaDS THiS lIKeS iT bUT NrN. BY tHe wAy i GoT My rEPOrT CaRd Nd I KInDa DiReNt LiKe My GrAdEs BuT WiSIwIg . i TiNk wAt I WrOtE sUkZ :( BuT i DoNt HaVe AnY oTHer i Dea ....Weellll Idk WaT eLse to TAlK aBoUt so umm ibg(i better go)......laterz i wanna go -I...

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