About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Sunday, August 16, 2009


i JUsT fInIsHEd REaDiNg tHe BoOk cAlLeD SaNdPiPeR bY ElLeN wHiTtLInGER AnD lEt Me TElL You it WaZ grEAt!:D i LOve It . It TAlK aBoUt THiS gIrl Who hAS Bad REpUtaTioN bAcAuSe ShE weNT oUt WITh sO MaNY gUYs ........1 dAy ShE mEeTs THiS Guy Who ShE TRUstES AloT bUT SomETHinG BaD hApPenS wiTH hER liFE and AlSO hER nEW frIenD HaS a vErY aNd StRaNgE pAst. I reCoMmenD iT.

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