About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ok so i just finished readin a book kalled tenderness
by robert... it talkks about diz gurl who runs away from her house in search2 find tenderness
dat wen she meets eric nd together dey go through adveture
but dey dont know dat diz mit kiill dem both..on the way 2 tenderness
diz book has adventure nd it will makkkk u keep on readin
nd i know dat if u read it u will likk it...
so just read it.. nd get over it...:]
x] so yea..u should"totally" read it !!:D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

gArfIEld MInUs GaRfIElD

ok wen i saw diz one...it made me laugh lik,...d only reason i didnt crakk up waz bcuz
im in the library.. but oder den dat it should m,ak u crakk up...likk really..."totally"..lol
ok so i really likk diz comic bcuz itz funny hw he is so pathetic ..by sayin dat she doesnt lik hiim bcuz of a car.. wich i would believe but itz not d case herrre..so yea..nd his borin wich is not hard to believe really ...to prove my point ill show u another comic:D

ok u c ...dis one is funny to...but not just funyy,,,,super funny really...well...letz just say its funny ..okkk..ok...so..yea diz one made me laugh bcuz itz funny hw he trys to do somtin funn but at d end he is bored again..likk alwayz i am guessin...so yea diz 1 really proves comic..#1 so yea..i tink wat makss it funny it dat itz so unusual ..well...in adults..as in my opinion....so u ppl should chekk dem out at diz page..GarfieldMinusGarfield.
nd to my conclusion he needs GARFIELD....

Friday, February 5, 2010


well..ok let c i found diz kul new blogs..nd dey r really awesome!
dey r funny nd dey hav a point about wat dey try 2 say wich is really intresting
nd im sure i will definetly visit dos blogs specally INDEXED i really like dat blog..
dey talk about [draw] very wierd stuff i say u chekk it out.
1OOO AWESOME THINGS is very good to cuz dey talk about very random stuff

to my opinion i tink INDEXED won bcuz itz lik funnier in a way...w/ out 2 much writtin

so yea/....if u want 2 chekk dem out der in my links list;] enjoy dem..nd lol

Thursday, January 28, 2010


so..one day this one 8th grade gurl comes nd asks mii wat web i would recomend to find images of soldiers or civil war battles
i would go 2 the digital library under catalog
nd i would recomend:
1.FACTS ON FILES[ this web is a verry good 1..it has images of soldiers nd a lot of imformation about it so chekk it out:)
2.BRITANICA ONLINE[this web is very good 1 2...it has kul images
3.AMERICAN NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY[is a another good web but u hav 2 hav imfo 2 hav a perfect search so good lukk;]
ok so this r 3 webs u kan actually visite nd i know u will find good images so enjoy...

Friday, January 22, 2010

buddhism books nd movies:D

ok so a 7th grade teacher asks miii wat r books dat wil help him/her know mor about buddhism
i would go 2 the catalog nd searcg for buddhism.
i would reconmend the book BUDDHIDM by WILKINSON PHILIP
this book shows information about Buddhism including the life of Buddha, different types of Buddhism, symbols, festivals, culture and more kul stuff:]

another book i would recomend is DO WE KNOW ABOUT BUDDHISM?
this book talks about their religion, their beliefs, history and more about their culture :P

1 moviw i would actually recomend will b BUDDAH BOY is an intrestin movie wer dey will learn mor about buddhism..nd it wont b borin...:]

or mayb dey kan watch the movie WHAT IS BUDDHISM ...itz a videorecording].

well.. i hope dey enjoy learnin about buddhism:]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

RaNdOm MoMeNt ;D!!

KK ..so leslie nd carlos r TaPiNN pApEr ON d CouNTer
Nd Der hAvVin A WAR for d tape...wiCh Iz REaLLy AweSomE..
cUz ItZ tApE:p...HEHEHE/ kk So KNow DEr TAlkIN aBOuT ..IdK But DEr SAyIN .."AOWWW"!
nD Der HelpED mii SpELLed IT..hehe..
so NoW im TryIN 2 tINk Of SOmtIN 2 write DaT iS fUnNY bUT NoTin ComZZ 2 MIi HeaD
:x..... OHH SO 2DaT gEnesis ShE loKs ReAllY nIcE:D
kk so if somE 1 LiKK "EDGOA" iS reADin DiZ I waNt 2 saY
HI!!!!!!!!!!..nd Im SrRy IM nOt BeIn FuNny ..itZ cUz iM tIrED:[
SO yEa...so ...member DaT 1 tIM WeN....
WAiT..I 4gOT ..NVM..u HaV 2 rEMinD Mii cuZ..yeA...:b im J to thE K to the ING..LOL
so..i dont want 2 keep borin ppl..so laterz..

DiArY bOok!:P..

OK iF A gURl ComZ AsKkin 4 A boOk DaT r wRiTtEn LiKK dIaRiEs//<--- DEn I wOUld sHoW hER SomE iVe REaD bUt MaYb ShE wONd TinK deR kuL sO.. ill ShoW hER IN tHe CaTalOg nD TyPe "dIArIeS" nD sHe Will Look 4 SoM inTResTin or dat aTlEasT LoKZ INtREsTIn.. SoMe ILL rEComEnT ..R ThE booKz --->.<-----
by Rennison, Louise [i C aLOt Of GuRlZ cHeKkiN deM ouT
sO.. iM SuRe..dER gOOd ...so..I hoPE shE LIKs DEm....
nd diz books talkk about : about diz gurl who tinks her life is wrong
nd as u read each book u read mor nd mor about her..
ders alot of books in diz series ...
\der is also dis book i read nd dat was very intrestin....itz about a boy who stays alone w/ his 2 sisters...but evry day new york is in big problems..
d moon is gettin closer ..nd mor ppl keep dyin..der parents mey b died nd his big brother kant get bakk ...dis book will change d way of mayb tinkin....the book's tile is THE DEAD AND THE GONE" ders also diz oder book dat is alsmost d same nd itz called "LIFE AS WE NEW IT"
///----->> SO I HOPE U GUYZ LIK DIZ BOKZ..>.<

Monday, January 11, 2010

extra cret itt!!:P

OK So If a KiD cOMeS nd AsKS For A REaLLy FuNny BOok I WoULd REcoMeNd
diz reallly kuL bOoKZ ..DeY R sHOrt but r GoOd 2 ReAD
*dIaRy oF tHe WImPy KID; dOg dAyS
*dIaRy OF The WImPy KId; ThE lAsT strAW
*DIaRy Of ThE wImPy kID: RoDrIcK RuLeS
dIz 3 BoOKs R d BesT sORT./. gOoD./fUnNY./ bOoKS eVR..!!
nD Der weAsY 2 reAD ...SO...:D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

XD/random moment/

kk..den..so umm...im here at d library bloggin ..nd i just met Carlos

his really kul..nd nice....well...kk den changin subject ..i just want 2 say i love coffeex)

nd dat im feelin lazy rite now :P

---> well we also hav a new student here at d library ...i 4got his name

.. well d library is d same ....since we left 2 winter brakk

ok ..so now genisis is cleanin nd karen is blogin ms.murphy is givin a presention...

leslie nd carlos r gattin a latter nd books..

mayb ...diz isnt ass good ass d 1 "Edgoa" wrote but...i i hope it made u kinda laugh a lil atleast

nd if it didnt ..well den 2 bad..