About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

RaNdOm MoMeNt ;D!!

KK ..so leslie nd carlos r TaPiNN pApEr ON d CouNTer
Nd Der hAvVin A WAR for d tape...wiCh Iz REaLLy AweSomE..
cUz ItZ tApE:p...HEHEHE/ kk So KNow DEr TAlkIN aBOuT ..IdK But DEr SAyIN .."AOWWW"!
nD Der HelpED mii SpELLed IT..hehe..
so NoW im TryIN 2 tINk Of SOmtIN 2 write DaT iS fUnNY bUT NoTin ComZZ 2 MIi HeaD
:x..... OHH SO 2DaT gEnesis ShE loKs ReAllY nIcE:D
kk so if somE 1 LiKK "EDGOA" iS reADin DiZ I waNt 2 saY
HI!!!!!!!!!!..nd Im SrRy IM nOt BeIn FuNny ..itZ cUz iM tIrED:[
SO yEa...so ...member DaT 1 tIM WeN....
WAiT..I 4gOT ..NVM..u HaV 2 rEMinD Mii cuZ..yeA...:b im J to thE K to the ING..LOL
so..i dont want 2 keep borin ppl..so laterz..

1 comment:

  1. OMg thats me EDgaro!!! lol aro...lol
    well This is a random Moment from Me... chess ...FRanklin wanna play chess??? FRAnklin: CHess i do..lol .....well umm...B-a-N-A-n-A ....yes..well umm....viva mexico and stuff...yes...and tootels....
    P.s : visit the weirdo blog.....
    P.s.s: hi dere ppl
