About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Thursday, January 7, 2010

XD/random moment/

kk..den..so umm...im here at d library bloggin ..nd i just met Carlos

his really kul..nd nice....well...kk den changin subject ..i just want 2 say i love coffeex)

nd dat im feelin lazy rite now :P

---> well we also hav a new student here at d library ...i 4got his name

.. well d library is d same ....since we left 2 winter brakk

ok ..so now genisis is cleanin nd karen is blogin ms.murphy is givin a presention...

leslie nd carlos r gattin a latter nd books..

mayb ...diz isnt ass good ass d 1 "Edgoa" wrote but...i i hope it made u kinda laugh a lil atleast

nd if it didnt ..well den 2 bad..

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