About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Thursday, January 28, 2010


so..one day this one 8th grade gurl comes nd asks mii wat web i would recomend to find images of soldiers or civil war battles
i would go 2 the digital library under catalog
nd i would recomend:
1.FACTS ON FILES[ this web is a verry good 1..it has images of soldiers nd a lot of imformation about it so chekk it out:)
2.BRITANICA ONLINE[this web is very good 1 2...it has kul images
3.AMERICAN NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY[is a another good web but u hav 2 hav imfo 2 hav a perfect search so good lukk;]
ok so this r 3 webs u kan actually visite nd i know u will find good images so enjoy...

Friday, January 22, 2010

buddhism books nd movies:D

ok so a 7th grade teacher asks miii wat r books dat wil help him/her know mor about buddhism
i would go 2 the catalog nd searcg for buddhism.
i would reconmend the book BUDDHIDM by WILKINSON PHILIP
this book shows information about Buddhism including the life of Buddha, different types of Buddhism, symbols, festivals, culture and more kul stuff:]

another book i would recomend is DO WE KNOW ABOUT BUDDHISM?
this book talks about their religion, their beliefs, history and more about their culture :P

1 moviw i would actually recomend will b BUDDAH BOY is an intrestin movie wer dey will learn mor about buddhism..nd it wont b borin...:]

or mayb dey kan watch the movie WHAT IS BUDDHISM ...itz a videorecording].

well.. i hope dey enjoy learnin about buddhism:]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

RaNdOm MoMeNt ;D!!

KK ..so leslie nd carlos r TaPiNN pApEr ON d CouNTer
Nd Der hAvVin A WAR for d tape...wiCh Iz REaLLy AweSomE..
cUz ItZ tApE:p...HEHEHE/ kk So KNow DEr TAlkIN aBOuT ..IdK But DEr SAyIN .."AOWWW"!
nD Der HelpED mii SpELLed IT..hehe..
so NoW im TryIN 2 tINk Of SOmtIN 2 write DaT iS fUnNY bUT NoTin ComZZ 2 MIi HeaD
:x..... OHH SO 2DaT gEnesis ShE loKs ReAllY nIcE:D
kk so if somE 1 LiKK "EDGOA" iS reADin DiZ I waNt 2 saY
HI!!!!!!!!!!..nd Im SrRy IM nOt BeIn FuNny ..itZ cUz iM tIrED:[
SO yEa...so ...member DaT 1 tIM WeN....
WAiT..I 4gOT ..NVM..u HaV 2 rEMinD Mii cuZ..yeA...:b im J to thE K to the ING..LOL
so..i dont want 2 keep borin ppl..so laterz..

DiArY bOok!:P..

OK iF A gURl ComZ AsKkin 4 A boOk DaT r wRiTtEn LiKK dIaRiEs//<--- DEn I wOUld sHoW hER SomE iVe REaD bUt MaYb ShE wONd TinK deR kuL sO.. ill ShoW hER IN tHe CaTalOg nD TyPe "dIArIeS" nD sHe Will Look 4 SoM inTResTin or dat aTlEasT LoKZ INtREsTIn.. SoMe ILL rEComEnT ..R ThE booKz --->.<-----
by Rennison, Louise [i C aLOt Of GuRlZ cHeKkiN deM ouT
sO.. iM SuRe..dER gOOd ...so..I hoPE shE LIKs DEm....
nd diz books talkk about : about diz gurl who tinks her life is wrong
nd as u read each book u read mor nd mor about her..
ders alot of books in diz series ...
\der is also dis book i read nd dat was very intrestin....itz about a boy who stays alone w/ his 2 sisters...but evry day new york is in big problems..
d moon is gettin closer ..nd mor ppl keep dyin..der parents mey b died nd his big brother kant get bakk ...dis book will change d way of mayb tinkin....the book's tile is THE DEAD AND THE GONE" ders also diz oder book dat is alsmost d same nd itz called "LIFE AS WE NEW IT"
///----->> SO I HOPE U GUYZ LIK DIZ BOKZ..>.<

Monday, January 11, 2010

extra cret itt!!:P

OK So If a KiD cOMeS nd AsKS For A REaLLy FuNny BOok I WoULd REcoMeNd
diz reallly kuL bOoKZ ..DeY R sHOrt but r GoOd 2 ReAD
*dIaRy oF tHe WImPy KID; dOg dAyS
*dIaRy OF The WImPy KId; ThE lAsT strAW
*DIaRy Of ThE wImPy kID: RoDrIcK RuLeS
dIz 3 BoOKs R d BesT sORT./. gOoD./fUnNY./ bOoKS eVR..!!
nD Der weAsY 2 reAD ...SO...:D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

XD/random moment/

kk..den..so umm...im here at d library bloggin ..nd i just met Carlos

his really kul..nd nice....well...kk den changin subject ..i just want 2 say i love coffeex)

nd dat im feelin lazy rite now :P

---> well we also hav a new student here at d library ...i 4got his name

.. well d library is d same ....since we left 2 winter brakk

ok ..so now genisis is cleanin nd karen is blogin ms.murphy is givin a presention...

leslie nd carlos r gattin a latter nd books..

mayb ...diz isnt ass good ass d 1 "Edgoa" wrote but...i i hope it made u kinda laugh a lil atleast

nd if it didnt ..well den 2 bad..