About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

american history

if a teacher asked me wat were reallly good dvd's about american history

the first thing i would do is go 2 da librarys catalog nd go 2 AMERICAN HISTORY nd find DVD'S that go with ity....

if dat doesnt work den i go to faculty prep room..which is where da dvds are.

i browse throw fiction movies like DISNEY dvds because u want 2 find dvds dat arnt borin..nd dat help kids understand history.

well i found 3 good movies dat hav to do w/ AMERICAN HISTORY

1. the blue & the gray

2.american legends (disney movie)

3.lewis & clark

american history

Friday, November 20, 2009

info in d library

der r many ways u can find information in the library. for example: if u want 2 find information about how nd why ancient Egyptians made mummies

1. she can go 2 liberary catalog nd type "egyptians" or "egyption's mummies"nd dat would mak results of books u can read dat would give u d answer of wat ur lukin 4 :] u would go find d books d library catalog researched 4 u in dis library....

2.u can ask for a computer so u can go to a good web for example "google" nd u will find alot of articles of dat topic nd alot of does articles will give u ur answer....

3.next she can think of everything she read in d books nd internet nd take notes...she could also check d books she thought wer intresting ..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

science project

well...in science class is very fun w/ ms.naponelli:D

last project was very intrestin ...we measurred da rocks volume by subtractin. da water w/ out da rock nd den w/ the rock..

this week we r supposed 2 mak a poster about wat we learnd nd we hav 2 fine d densitty

we hav to find an object we cant measure w/ a ruler..

my buddies nd i r supposed to fined info about our object...we r usin a pumpkin toy nd itz been preetty easy for us nd itz been okay w/ us...we just hope we get a good grade..:)

we look on google to find more info about desity nd volume..wich really helped us..we also used books in ms.class room...we really hav fun..:D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

how i get my info..

well i usually get my info from d news ...but sometimes i tink news lie...
news dont say wat d government usually do..nd dat is a big pro...
wen i really want 2 find out somting i go 2 goggle.com..or yahoo.com...wich is a good help 2 me..
somtimes i ask oder ppl lik friends but kids diz days dont watch news..lol
so i ask oder teachers or my parents but itz not d same to me..i alwayz hav to know wat exacly happned
der was diz 1 time Ms.Flores, my english teacher told us ders was ganna b a time wen wer ganna b
able 2 c mars...i was so excited..but at d end it turned out 2 b not true so i tryed 2 find out nd no 1 actually knew diz..so we never actually got 2 c marz:((
so datz my story...lol

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

finding out;D

findin out stuff i want 2 is really hard bcuz im not good at lyin ....

i hav 2 lie if i want 2 find out.. but somtimes i tink

that if i hav 2 know ill get 2 kjnow at the exact time..--->>
^_^-->> mystery????
but sometimes im 2 curious 2 keep me from not doin anyting.....

der r lotz of tings i do wen i want 2 find out someting

1. i fallow try 2 find d first klue:D(i feel lik im in d mystery gang)lolXD

2. i try 2 talk 2 oder ppl ..nd try 2 tak tings out of dem..lol

3. i ask dem strate nd if dey dont tell me..someting goes wrong..jk..lol

if notin goes rite....i really get mad :E....

everytime i do dis i feel lik scooby-doo...lol..(mystery)