About Me

hi im jessica but ppl call me lyla ... umm wat can i say .. i like 2 sk8 and play soccer and play videogames . i also run ummm... i like family guy and madtv and the simpsons. ummm i am a good friend i like 2 hav fun and i love 2 hear music like rock ,alternative , metal ....... well thatz me .. i guess

Friday, December 18, 2009


ok wElL bLOgGiN HaS bEiN a A GooD ExPerIeNce In thE lIbRaRy It HeLpS mii GeT tO knOw THe PpL dAt WOr WiTh BeTtEr :p nD IT HElpS knOw HW DeY r Nd SO fAr EvERy1 iS sUPeR aWEsOMe HerE. i EnJoY bLOGgIn ItZ Hw We eXpReCe oUrsELfS. i AlSo LiK 2 rEad ODErs OpInIoNs So OfCoUrES i LOvE 2 ReAD dER blOGgas.

If i No LOnGer HAD DiZ kLaSs I wOuLd KeEp dIz BLoG 2 WRiTE waT hAppENEd AT sKul nD STuFf ..I wOulD lIkE 2 kEep oN blOgGIN....///!!///


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


well dis is me "EdGaO" sitting next to her "JESsICa" were in the library...... she said "thastt nice" and JAMes is geetiing mad at me...... ouch....he hit me..... lol.... umm well idk wat to tell u ppl...i rule.... and umm cheescake rules!!!..... bannanan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 she doesnt like green..... im tall......and brown....and mexican...... msMurphy is all dresseed up ...:D (jessica) edgar nd this kid ik name frankly r talkin about money nd killin shoes..nd size number 2:b.... okay i have the key board again"edgar" and well i just want to say.......SPARTA!!!!!!!!! "jessica is weird"...... bvisit the WEIRDO blog
(jessica) dont visit his page..itz funny but..dont do it!!! okay i know itz wierd but a tie is as tall as a kid....nd 05okay buttt . wat wat in the butt???

well "edgar " i have to leave and id dont want to leave this weirdo alone..... XD but idk
i will return!!!!!!!SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

new moon d movie

ok so i was excited wen i got 2 c new moon..nd i was even more excited wen i got 2 c it d actual day it camo out in theater ...

it was better den twilight dats 4 sure....nd i hav 2 admit Jacob loked better..

but Edward is still better den Jacob...lol..

Bella was a lil bit sukish..but she still mad d movie better..

wel..dis movie has a B+ i guess..bur i just kant wait till d next movie comes out Eclips:D

i hope u guys enjoed new moon as much as i did..

the lost queen by frewin jones

wel this week im reading a book called THE LOST QUEEN nd itz very intrestin...

but 2 understand it u first hav 2 read the book FAERIE PATH ...

it talks about diz normal gurl who lives her parents but on her 16th birthday strenge things happen..

--->>faerie tread the faerie oath . one daughter walks between the sundered worlds. danger haunts her footsteps there in mortal realm a darkness is unfuled. seek a mother longtime lost. forge dark jewels that bring forth light a crystal sword shall show the way and love shall conquer evils blight .<---

mii friends r askin mii if i really read this books ..bcuz im not d kind of gurl who belives in faeries ..but diz r really good books:D